Certificate course on stem cells


Certificate course on stem cells

About programme

Stem cells are the unspecialised cells that possess the ability of self-renewal and special differentiation capacity that can give rise to any type of cells of the body. Currently the stem cell research can be regarded as a branch of modern biology that tries to utilise or alter embryonic or adult stem cells or to induce stem cells from differentiated cells into specialized, differentiated cells that can be used to supplant impaired cells or organs.

Stem cells is revolutionising the regenerative medicine sector and it provides immense hope for the medical world to treat the diseases which are once considered as non-treatable. With the evolving technologies and interdisciplinary research networks, Cell biology is slowly and steadily revealing the potency of stem cells day-by-day.

We identify the subject as more important frontier field and hence we bring this course the learners who really want to be a part of the development aura which eventually take the mankind to next level.

Programme suitability

  • The course is suitable for any learner who wants to learn and explore the subject stream of stem cells.
  • The course is suitable for interdisciplinary researchers who want to know an overview on the development of stem cells and its application scope to improve their current research works.
  • The course is suitable for the professionals of medical and paramedical field, who want to learn about stem cells in order to improve their knowledge and to provide effective counselling to the clients on the same.
  • The course is suitable for the professionals who have got placement or about to get job in industries related to stem cell banking, tissue banking, cell culturing, cell and tissue culture related chemical and equipment manufacturers and suppliers.
  • The course is suitable for learners who have stem cells, tissue engineering or regenerative medicine as elective in their academic curriculum and want to get fundamental knowledge on the same to excel in their elective subject examination.

Info video

Programme specifications

Specifications Details
Programme duration 30 days
Programme code BOC003
Programme conducting type Online
Learning mode Online
Language of learning English
Daily timing(s) Any time of your preference in a day
Learning method Active & passive learning
Assignments Yes, Applicable. After completion of every unit.
Daily time requirement 30 to 60 min per day for very active learners
60 to 90 min per for moderately active learners
90 to 120 min for slow learners
Mode of evaluation Online assignment evaluation and online examination. Examination will not be applicable, if you opt for no certification.
Certificate options Hard copy or E-certificate. You can also opt for no certification.
Minimum marks required for certification 40%


  • The applicant should be having or pursuing a degree in any of the streams under science, technology, engineering and medicine in any government approved institution/college/university.
  • The candidate must possess basic knowledge in biology.
  • The age of the applicant should be minimum of 18 years on the date of joining in this programme.
  • The age of the applicant should not exceed 59 at the time of joining.
  • School students and diploma students are not eligible for this programme.

Programme module, learning process & fee info

To know about the programme module, learning process and enrollment fee please apply for the programme and track your application.

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